A. Where do you get off questioning the psychological health of millions of American citizens? |
I fully appreciate the difficulty some American readers may have in accepting the
In expounding my thesis, I am not trying to influence or change American culture nor |
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A. What makes you think you have the answer to America's realtionship issues? |
Unfortunately, space does not permit me to detail here the highly individual set of circumstances and life experiences that have collectively given me the knowledge and understanding I have acquired about North America. Suffice to say that I have long been acutely aware that the American people have been seeking a solution to this problem, albeit subconsciously, for over a century now, and without fully realising the extent of the damage they have been inflicting upon each other throughout this time. However, I believe my detailed explanation in the book adequately covers this question. |
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A. Why the hell should I take your advice not to watch porn if I want to? |
Because it is a veiled attack on your personal sexuality! Porn is imitation, pseudo sex i.e. a neurosis-driven, synthetic portrayal of sex which involves no invocation of real passion. It can stimulate sexual feeling in others by portraying passion and physical completion but does so without genuine arousal, emotional interchange and release in the participants. It is a phoney presentation from sexually phoney people.
There are many behavioural manifestations of psychological maladjustment – an afflicted person’s deep-rooted refusal to accept the truth about what subconsciously scares or angers them, combined with an irrational desire to exact some form of 'payback' through various disguised means.
Porn is just one manifestation of sexual maladjustment and its exponents are persons with deeply entrenched anxieties. Pornographers (including today’s Hollywood liberals) want to 'project' (psych.) their personal limitations onto others because they are sexually desensitized and frustrated by a chronic inability to attain affective gratification in private sexual activity. As in all theatre, porn is a purely dramatic exercise.
_The ‘performers’ in such displays are actually revealing that their personal sex lives are an ‘act’ i.e. basically untrue, a lie. Those who enter ‘sex shows’ reveal a desire to ‘show’ themselves as ‘sexually capable’, to counter their deep-rooted fears; their twisted minds twist words to justify showing ‘the sex act’ in the form of ‘acted sex’. The fact is, they are subconciously trying to both assuage their anxieties and find sexual validation through mutual denigration in pornographic exhibitions.
Sexual fantasising and imagination are perfectly natural elements of the human sex drive, but exposure to porn is a step too far and can be positively harmful. It can engage, manipulate, 'steal' and finally control the sexuality of the voyeur. Its underlying impetus is evil; i.e. to vengefully demean, distort and devalue the sex lives of normal people and instill into the immature and more sexually gullible their neurotic, synthetic mindset of sex in place of the genuinely intimate, spontaneous, natural sexual response.
Sexual desire and arousal is a wonderful gift and a perfectly normal and exciting part of human life, whereas pornographers' self-serving exhibitions are neurosis-driven distortions of it. Don’t get seduced into having anything to do with pornography; ‘private parts’ are so described for good reason. Pornographers are sick, vengeful and immature and their malaise should not be indulged under any circumstances; they should never be regarded as representing normal, intimate behaviour and gratifying sexual activity. Get your relationships right - and porn will be the very last thing you will want or need! (See discussion on 'appropriate lust' and 'inappropriate lust' in book.)
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A. Isn't it irresponsible to resort to cheap sensationalist attention-grabbing web headlines to promote your so-called theory? |
A perfectly fair question in the circumstances and Yes, I accept that the current website headlines could be construed as provocative. Why are they so? Well, because I am embarking on the massive task of eliminating a collective malaise from the American psyche, and, for my thesis to become widely understood and accepted throughout America I simply have to attract the attention of as many of the great American public as possible. Therefore, in order to achieve that goal I have had to go, initially at least, to what some might regard as controversial lengths.
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A. Only a Britisher could be nutty enough to pronounce the population of the USA as being 'emotionally compromised'! |
Actually, there are numerous literary American allusions to a home-grown neurotic condition. Here are just two from the internationally respected American author Dale Carnegie. First: "One of the reasons why we go to plays and movies is that we want to hear and see emotions expressed. We have become so fearful of giving vent to our feelings in public that we have to go to a play to satisfy this need for emotional expression." (pp 94/95) and second: (on losing self-consciousness when speaking publicly) "You can see why it is that people flock to the theatre and the movies - because there they see their fellow human beings act with little or no inhibition; there they see people wearing their emotions prominently displayed on their sleeves…" (p 196) Both examples from: Dale Carnegie: Effective Speaking - a revision by Dorothy Carnegie of Public Speaking And Influencing Men In Business by Dale Carnegie, The World's Work (1913) Ltd. |
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A. Don't you think your concerns about the power of collective emotional dysfunctionality are exaggerated? |
Absolutely not! Never underestimate the power of the collective psyche, both for good and evil, in any country. For example, in Britain, good was highly conspicuous with the unity displayed by Londoners during the blitz in World War II, and bad, with the 'herd mentality' into which Britain's manipulative, pro-Communist Trade Union leaders deleteriously conditioned millions of their unsuspecting members during the 1960s, '70s and '80s when they dominated British TV. A collective national psyche is a source of immense power - for good or ill! |
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A. You say the subject of America kept nagging at you. How, exactly? |
By my early twenties I had become an avid 'America Watcher'. I had remained suitably impressed with the American musical and entertainment influences to which I had been exposed whilst growing up yet, paradoxically, vague feelings of unease and uncertainty about America prevailed. Despite numerous attempts to explain away my concerns and misgivings I could not dismiss them from my mind, and my obsession to get at and expound the truth about America has never really wavered since. Just about everything I observed within and about America jarred within my personal 'reference frame', ie. my overall viewpoint formed by the sum total of personal experience, attitudes, beliefs and general understanding of human behaviour acquired by then. For these reasons I could not resist the urge to try to discover the true nature of these anomalies and make some sense of the complex and subtle relationships between them. |
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A. How did you make the leap from thinking of America as 'different' to 'lacking emotional balance'? |
I gradually came to understand that the underlying causes of the differences I had discerned were highly complex but, while I could discover no logical, conventional or rational explanation for them which satisfied my immediate curiosity, I began to wonder if they might have some as yet undiscovered psychological connotations. I increasingly felt that, whatever their cause, they were sufficiently different to constitute an emotional affliction and thus a subject worthy of psychological analysis and scrutiny in their own right. An ever-lengthening curiosity simply developed into a firm conviction that the characteristics I had noted would, in all likelihood, eventually confirm the existence of some kind of behavioural malady; a collective, psychoneurotic condition which, to a greater or lesser extent, had somehow afflicted the American people. |
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A. Are you a Freudian? |
I am certainly a committed devotee of psychoanalysis and the interpretation of dreams which are proven beyond doubt as far as I am concerned, but I part company with Freud on matters of child sexuality, ie. Freud's Oedipus and Electra complexes which, I would suggest, owe a great deal more to Freud's own repressed impulses than hard-headed, objective analysis. I also feel that Americans in particular have unfortunately given far too much credence to these concepts which may even have created sufficient psychological confusion as to have inadvertantly helped sustain the neurosis. |
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A. You condemn Americans for removing the promise 'to obey' from the wife's wedding vow, but did you know this practice was initiated in England? |
Yes, you are absolutely, 100% correct. I am heartily ashamed to confirm that it was indeed a couple of British 'nuts' who set this disastrous trend in motion. However, although to 'obey' was first omitted in a British wedding, the practice was not widely taken up here, yet became institutionalized throughout the USA. |
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A. What gives you the right to criticize our right to bear arms? It's written in our Constitution. |
The simple fact that no less than ten children die each and every day in America from guns! Please also try to appreciate that the foreigner's unceasing sense of horror at the extent of random murders there, is matched only by our dismay at your authorities' constant refusal to take appropriately tough counter-measures. How many more innocent lives have to be lost because you refuse to deal firmly with gun crime? How many more serial killers will it take for a change in your gun laws? The NRA billboard motto: 'Happiness is a warm gun' has obvious sexual connotations. Let's confront America's deep-rooted sexual problems and the male ego's perceived need for subliminal phallic support, and guns will become unecessary. |
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A. If America is having a bad psychological effect on the world should the US and Britain sever their political ties? |
Absolutely not! As I point out in the book, I am a passionate admirer of America and practically all my musical heroes are American. I believe that our 'special relationship' is an essential cornerstone of world peace and stability. Winston Churchill said on August 20th 1940 in the House of Commons: "The British Empire and the United States will have to be somewhat mixed up together in some of their affairs for mutual and general advantage. For my part, looking out upon the future, I do not view the process with any misgivings." I wholeheartedly concur with our greatest statesman. |
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A. What do you think is the significance of Letter To America in the realm of psychological theory? |
Whatever value it may or may not have it is certainly not for me to say. I would wish it to be as far removed from the scientific arena as possible, although, should it ultimately find a place within the social sciences, I hope it is seen as one which takes account of humanitarian considerations as much as scientific objectivity. While I hope it may make a contribution to our understanding of the essential nature of man, more importantly, I would hope that the practical application of the behavioural principles outlined therein may provide a springboard for the generation of new therapies. |
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A. You are unbelievably sexist. How can you seriously suggest that children's gender roles are intrinsically pre-determined. |
By observing the behaviour of children playing by themselves in infants' and junior school we notice a natural instinct towards parenthood as acted out in the games they play; girls with dolls and dolls' houses, boys with rough and tumble and ball games. It is true that at a young age boys also play some domestically-oriented games and even adopt parental, 'father' roles on occasion, but they reject domestic roles with a corresponding increase in age. |
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A. What was it about the US film industry that prompted you to connect it with a neurotic condition? |
Along with America, other countries like France, Germany, and particularly Britain, with our strong tradition of music halls and theatres, had developed embryonic film industries, and all started at roughly the same time. But the parity changed abruptly with the American film industry's sudden and inexplicable explosion of growth seemingly overnight, as thousands flocked to be part of the world of make-believe. I therefore wanted to understand just what were the specific causes or underlying motivational forces within America that led to the formation of so many film and theatre companies and studios suddenly producing such a vast range of entertainment. I also ponderered what factors might have caused the equally immediate and enthusiastic public response across America to these early offerings, and why Americans established entertainment as such an integral - even, seemingly, indispensable - component of their lifestyle, without question. |
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A. What was your analytical approach? |
The problem in trying to categorize America's psychological and emotional features was entirely one of creating some clarity out of their emotional maze. Initially, in attempting to formulate an appropriate hypothesis, the evidence-gathering process was a totally subjective exercise. I had originally perceived Americans as being different only in comparison to my personal mind-set of what constituted 'normal' behaviour, and the extent of any 'abnormality' in behaviour was discernible only in how strongly it contrasted with my broad, personal concept of 'appropriate' behaviour. This simple curiosity, conceived in raw and total subjectivity, became my sole incentive and starting point for investigative action. Above all, I realised that to get to understand their cultural phenomena and be able to give these manifestations their true meaning, I would have to keep a very open mind at all times and try to maintain a fierce objectivity and rigid adherence to pure, scientific psychological criteria. |
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A. I have not read Letter To America yet but what does your 'Total Resensitization Therapy' course comprise of? |
In the first chapter of Part 2, I outline some general aspects of the condition and briefly explain the approach to the cure of my 10-stage Resensitization Therapy Course. Specific recommendations based on the course are made in Chapters 10 and 11 while in the final chapter (12), I offer a brief explanation of its structure. In full and final presentation the course will comprise of 6 x 1 hour TV documentaries which I shall make available, free of charge, at an appropriate time. It will also be available in written form. |
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A. What makes you conclude that US slang has more sexual connotations than others? |
Until it became familiarised through repetition via the US media, American slang was not initially understood by the rest of the English-speaking world. But its usage there was so widespread and entrenched it appeared to me to represent something more than mere cultural affectation; even, possibly, some kind of esoteric and even covert communication. Further examination, as expounded in my book, appears, I strongly suggest, to have proven that this is the case. |
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A. What was your method of 'analysing' America? |
The method I used is called inductive reasoning ie. noting down what I discerned as individual component units of both general and problematic behaviour and then forming loose generalisations which became more specified as the evidence grew. I simply recorded every strange fact, everything I considered inappropriate about America and tried to turn and blend these seemingly unrelated scraps of knowledge into meaningful structures, to see if they fitted together somehow to form a coherent whole. I also tried to gain insights into American behaviour by observing and noting the simplest forms of reflex activity as well as dissecting more complex forms of behavioural patterns and responses, whilst at all times rigorously seeking a common denominator, a unifying theme or factor which held all the pieces of the jig-saw together. |
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A. How did you determine what was important? |
At the earliest stage of trying to analyse an intriguing anomaly which nags for one's attention, one is initially drawn to those initial clues, signs and irregularities which elicit one's interest and suspicion in the first place. In my case, initial curiosity was stirred by nothing more than the basic, everyday behaviour of the average American which, simply by the nature of its inherent contrast to that of mine and other nationalities, was sufficient to arouse more than a passing interest, and almost automatically invite investigation. These were different elements which, taken individually, had little in common. Taking an extended overview, however, the picture changes. Gradually, through constant scrutiny, a common thread starts to emerge and eventually a distinguishable pattern is clearly discernible. As I began to understand their relationship to one another I felt that, at least on balance, there were more than sufficient facts to support a 'repression-oriented' theory. |
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A. I think you are being grossly unfair on the American education system. Don't we have some of the best educational facilities in the world? |
Absolutely, but I'm afraid you miss the point. I'm not knocking the US educational system but the underlying culture of drugs and institutionalised violence within it that remains unchallenged. My point is that every day, no less than 16 American children and adolescents die in gun-related homicides, suicides and accidents. Many more suffer injuries, some requiring long-term hospitalization. Some children suffer permanent disabilities, including loss of extremeties, spinal cord injuries and head injuries. (Source: American Academy of Pediatrics. 'Your Health'; CNN TV, transmission date 29/04/01.) All this is bound to contribute to the general emotional destabilisation of the students, their families and, ultimately, your society. |
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